2021 Labor Day Patriot Camp
Purpose ~ Promise ~ Patience ~ Power
AWA hosted a great camp featuring our own coaches Derek Garcia and Tony Nunez in additional to Ohio State alum and 2x Ohio State Champ Josh Demas.
Coach Pete brought a powerful message focusing on Purpose, Promise, Patience and Power.
Purpose: When you know your purpose, you purposely do things you have to do, lead to do or asked to do.
Promises: When you have trust and have faith in what parents, coaches, and teachers teach you. That’s when Promises are fulfilled.
Patience: You have to have a trust in God’s timing, and when you do, that’s when you will build up and have patience to fulfill your purpose and God will fulfill His promises.
Power: God’s purpose to fulfill His promises as you wait patiently is when you will have power. And that power that is in you is greater than anything in this world.